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Table 3 Additional beliefs about activity, rest, and the use of imaging and pain killers

From: What do the general public believe about the causes, prognosis and best management strategies for low back pain? A cross-sectional study

Belief statements

# of respondents

Disagree (1 & 2)

n (%)

Neutral (3)

n (%)

Agree (4 &5)

n (%)

1. X-rays or scans are necessary to get the best medical care for low back pain


86 (20.5)

106 (25.3)

227 (54.2)

2. Everyone with low back pain should have spine imaging (e.g X-ray, CT, MRI)


108 (26.0)

99 (23.8)

209 (50.2)

3. If you have back pain, you should rest until it gets better


159 (37.9)

160 (38.2)

100 (23.9)

4. If you have back pain, you should try to stay active


46 (11.0) bad

141 (33.8)

230 (55.2)

5. Simple painkillers are usually enough to control most back pain


200 (47.8) bad

118 (28.2)

100 (23.9)

6. Most back pain settles quickly, and you can get on with normal activities such as going to work


165 (39.1) bad

144 (34.1)

113 (26.8)