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Table 2 Harmful health behaviours and poor health outcomes reported in Natsal-3 identified within health domains

From: How does the sexual, physical and mental health of young adults not in education, employment or training (NEET) compare to workers and students?

Harmful health behaviours

Poor health outcomes

Domain: Mental/physical health

 - Current smoker

 - Usually drink > 6(women)/8(men) units of alcohol on one occasion (‘binge drinking’) at least weekly

 - Any illicit drug use, past year

Domain: Physical health

- Current health described as ‘fair’, ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’

- Long-standing illness/disability/infirmity

- 1+ chronic condition (excluding depression)

- Unhealthy BMI (< 18 | > 25)

Domain: Mental health

 - Received treatment for depression from a health professional, past year

Domain: Sexual health

 - 2+ condomless sex partners, past year

 - 1+ new unprotected sex partner, past year

 - 5+ partners, past year

Domain: Sexual health

- STI diagnosis, past year

- Unplanned pregnancy, past year (women only)

- Distressed/worried about sex life, past year

- Experienced completed non-volitional sex, ever