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Table 2 Summary of School Testing Benefits

From: Simulating preventative testing of SARS-CoV-2 in schools: policy implications


Allows to identify the infected individuals earlier to reduce additional infections


It is less painful than hospitalization for those who would have been infected in the absence of testing


It can reduce pressures on different stakeholders, particularly mental pressures on parents and teachers


Asymptomatic cases, that are mainly among the younger ages and able to spread the virus, can only be detected through random testing


It enables schools to continue their operations with lower risks and uncertainty, which is important because as the pandemic continues, closure of schools may not be a long-term solution


without regular testing, co-infection or overlap between influenza and COVID-19 can create more chaos, particularly during the flu season when it will be difficult for parents or those who screen the children for symptoms, to identify most likely COVID-19 symptoms