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Table 1 Partners in Care 12 weekly 1-h curriculum topics and content

From: Implementation outcomes of a culturally adapted diabetes self-management education intervention for Native Hawaiians and Pacific islanders



Lesson 1: Glucose Balance Makes a Difference

Description and illustrations of what blood glucose and A1C numbers mean; recommended goals for blood glucose and A1C; how to lower blood glucose.

Lesson 2: Medicine and Glucose Balance

Description and brochures for each diabetes medication; possible side effects; brief description of how each medicine works in the body to lower blood glucose; how to treat hypoglycemia; why it is important to take medication as prescribed and to tell provider about side effects.

Lesson 3: Food and Glucose Balance

How various types of foods can affect blood glucose; strategies to keep blood glucose balanced throughout the day.

Lesson 4: Plan Meals for Glucose Balance

How to plan healthy meals for blood glucose balance; how to count carbohydrates and read labels.

Lesson 5: Move More, Sit Less!

Increase physical activity through discussion of challenges to exercise; skills training through role playing, and behavior therapy using goal setting, reinforcement, modeling, and identification of non-food rewards.

Lesson 6: Diabetes and a Healthy Heart

Description of how diabetes affects the heart; how to control high blood pressure; recommended goals for blood pressure.

Lesson 7: Diabetes and Cholesterol

Description of total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglycerides; foods that contain which types of cholesterol; how to control high cholesterol; recommended goals for lipids.

Lesson 8: Healthy Feet Keep You Going!

Importance of checking one’s feet every day; how to check one’s feet; getting feet checked by provider; how to identify appropriate shoes to avoid injury to feet; what to do if you have a sore that won’t heal.

Lesson 9: Stress, Depression, and Diabetes

Description of the relationship between diabetes, stress, and depression; how to lower stress; how to know if one is depressed; what to do for depression; 3 stress-reducing strategies.

Lesson 10: Preventing Complications

Discussion of other diabetes-related complications (dental, neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy) and how to prevent or delay them.

Lesson 11: Your Diabetes Team

How to better communicate with one’s healthcare team; whom to include in one’s diabetes team; the roles of each person; role playing to practice how to ask questions of providers.

Lesson 12: Living Well with Diabetes

Maintaining self-management activities in order to stay healthy with diabetes and prevent or delay complications; potluck meal of healthy foods during the final lesson.