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Table 1 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

From: A scoping review of evaluation frameworks and their applicability to real-world physical activity and dietary change programme evaluation

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Sources describing a framework or guidance to support evaluation of a programme e.g. process &/or outcome evaluation.

Sources describing a specific measurement tool.

Sources describing a framework or guidance to facilitate evaluation of physical activity, dietary change, public health or health promotion programmes.

Frameworks designed to support evaluation of programmes targeting other health behaviours (e.g. smoking, alcohol, substance abuse) or conditions not specifically linked to physical activity or dietary behaviours (e.g. HIV, mental health).

Sources describing a framework or guidance to support evaluation of a specific evaluation component that aligns with the underlying principles of real-world, community-based or health promotion programmes, e.g. community development, participation, wider health and non-health outcomes.

Sources describing frameworks or guidelines intended to support evaluation of technology-based programmes or cost-effectiveness, as these are related to distinct specialised areas of evaluation or health promotion approach.

Empirical and/or methodological studies reporting the development and/or validation of an evaluation framework, as well as conceptual or discussion papers describing a framework or guidance on evaluation.

Theoretical or conceptual models of conditions or interventions. Guidance on policy or action for management of disease, policy or clinical practices. Evaluation studies reporting the use of an evaluation framework.