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Table 3 Prevalence of abnormal radiograph, PF, BP and ECG in coal miners in 2016

From: Effects of occupational exposure to dust on chest radiograph, pulmonary function, blood pressure and electrocardiogram among coal miners in an eastern province, China


Radiograph n(%)

PF n(%)

BP n(%)

ECG n(%)



42 (3.2)

61 (4.6)

199 (15.1)

191 (14.5)


465 (4.1)

594 (5.3)

1806 (16.0)

1732 (15.4)

Age, years

 ≤ 30

9 (0.6)

25 (1.7)

178 (11.8)

110 (7.3)


127 (4.5)

84 (3.0)

579 (20.7)

413 (14.8)


232 (4.6)

311 (6.2)

815 (16.2)

841 (16.7)

 > 50

139 (4.3)

235 (7.2)

433 (13.3)

559 (17.1)

Years of dust exposure

 ≤ 10

158 (2.8)

132 (2.3)

778 (13.8)

801 (14.2)


101 (4.5)

147 (6.6)

556 (25.0)

329 (14.8)

 > 20

248 (5.2)

376 (7.9)

671 (14.2)

793 (16.7)



206 (3.4)

206 (3.4)

1177 (19.5)

816 (13.5)


301 (4.6)

449 (6.8)

828 (12.6)

1107 (16.9)



62 (1.8)

114 (3.3)

438 (12.8)

391 (11.4)


445 (4.9)

541 (5.9)

1567 (17.1)

1532 (16.7)

Working types

 Ground auxiliary

207 (3.1)

323 (4.8)

758 (11.2)

867 (12.8)


31 (2.0)

39 (2.6)

310 (20.5)

209 (13.8)

 Coal extraction

51 (6.4)

85 (10.7)

175 (22.0)

128 (16.1)

 Pulverized coal

117 (7.4)

71 (4.5)

283 (17.9)

416 (26.2)

 Underground auxiliary

101 (5.2)

137 (7.1)

479 (24.7)

303 (15.6)

Size of mine


331 (4.3)

423 (5.5)

911 (11.9)

1200 (15.6)


90 (3.9)

117 (5.1)

493 (21.4)

326 (14.1)


86 (3.3)

115 (4.4)

601 (23.0)

397 (15.2)

  1. PF Pulmonary function, BP Blood pressure, ECG Electrocardiogram