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Table 1 Phrases used in the survey to explore the reasons for the consumption of each type of vegetable

From: Study of the reasons for the consumption of each type of vegetable within a population of school-aged children

Phrase 1

My child usually eats:

Phrase 2

My child only eats camouflaged/disguised in other preparations:

Phrase 3

My child just eats when forced:

Phrase 4

My child used to eat it, but does not eat it now:

Phrase 5

I offered it to my child, but he/she never wanted to try it:

Phrase 6

My child does not eat it because I never offered it to him/her:

Phrase 7

My child does not eat it because he/she does not like its colour/appearance:

Phrase 8

My child does not eat it because he/she does not like its texture:

Phrase 9

My child does not eat it because he/she does not like its smell:

Phrase 10

My child does not eat it because he/she does not like its taste:

Phrase 11

I don’t know why my child does not like it:

Phrase 12

At home, we do not eat it because someone in the family does not like it:

Phrase 13

At home, we do not eat it because someone in the family has a health problem:

Phrase 14

At home, we do not eat it because I don’t know how to prepare/cook it: