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Table 1 Characteristics of the Barbados National Salt study population (2012–2013). Unless indicated otherwise, the figures in parentheses are 95% confidence intervals

From: Sodium and potassium excretion in an adult Caribbean population of African descent with a high burden of cardiovascular disease


Women (n = 203)

Men (n = 161)

Overall (N = 364)

Number (%) by age (years)


90 (46.0)

76 (49.1)

16 (47.8)


113 (54.0)

85 (50.9)

198 (52.2)

Number (%) by education

  < Tertiarya

127 (77.9)

99 (76.3)

226 (77.2)


76 (22.1)

62 (23.7)

138 (22.8)


 Mean BMI (Kg/m2)

30.3 (29.0, 31.6)

27.1 (26.0, 28.2)

28.7 (27.9, 29.6)

 Mean waist circ (cm)

94.7 (91.9, 97.4)

92.4 (89.7, 95.1)

93.6 (91.9, 95.2)

 % overweight (BMI ≥ 25)

73.9 (64.1, 81.8)

57.9 (47.2, 67.9)

66.0 (58.4, 72.9)

 % obese (BMI ≥ 30)

46.4 (38.4, 54.6)

25.3 (19.0, 32.8)

36.0 (30.8, 41.5)

Blood pressure

 Systolic BP (mm Hg)

124.4 (121.6, 127.2)

130.5 (127.4, 133.7)

127.3 (125.3, 129.4)

 Diastolic BP (mm Hg)

78.1 (76.1, 80.0)

79.5 (77.1, 81.8)

78.7 (77.3, 80.2)

 % reported hypertension

25.8 (17.8, 36.0)

14.4 (9.6, 21.0)

20.4 (15.5, 26.3)

 % total hypertension

35.5 (27.5, 44.4)

32.7 (23.2, 43.8)

34.1 (27.7, 41.2)


 Fasting (mmol/l)

5.5 (5.2, 5.8)

5.4 (5.2, 5.6)

5.4 (5.3, 5.6)

 % reported diabetes

9.9 (5.7, 16.5)

9.0 (5.0, 15.6)

9.4 (6.6, 13.3)

 % all diabetes

15.1 (9.8, 22.5)

10.9 (6.1, 18.7)

13.1 (9.6, 17.6)

  1. aTertiary refers to all post-secondary school education, including technical and vocational training as well as university course
  2. Percentages are weighted to compensate for unequal probabilities of selection (selecting one individual from household) and for non-response