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Table 3 Secondary outcomes

From: SMS reminders to improve adherence and cure of tuberculosis patients in Cameroon (TB-SMS Cameroon): a randomised controlled trial

Secondary outcomes

Intervention group

(DOT + SMS) n = 137

Control group

(DOT) n = 142

Effect Estimate


n (%)

n (%)

OR [95% CI]; p

At 2 months

 Attendance to appointments

  Number of patients followed

125 (91.2)

124 (87.3)

1.51 [0.69, 3.27]; 0.29

  Number of patients withdrawn

12 (8.7)

18 (12.7)

0.66 [0.30, 1.43]; 0.29

   Transferred out

2 (1.5)

6 (4.2)

0.33 [0.06, 1.69]; 0.16


1 (0.7)

3 (2.1)

0.34 [0.03, 3.31]; 0.33

   Lost to follow-up

9 (6.6)

9 (6.4)

1.03 [0.39, 2.70]; 0.93

 Punctuality to appointment dates

  Early and Prompt

98 (71.5)

104 (73.2)

0.91 [0.54, 1.55]; 0.74


27 (19.7)

21 (14.8)

1.41 [0.75, 2.64]; 0.27


Mean (SD) /

(Min, Max)

Mean (SD) / (Min, Max)

MD [95% CI]; p

 Adherence to prescription drugs (%, VAS)

98.5 (6.3) /

(50, 100)

99.3 (3.5) /

(70, 100)

- 0.8 [−2.0, 0.5]; 0.25

At 5 months

 Attendance to appointments

  Number of patients followed

112 (81.7)

108 (76.0)

1.41 [0.78, 2.51]; 0.24

  Number of patients withdrawn

25 (18.3)

34 (24.0)

0.70 [0.39, 1.26]; 0.24

   Transferred out

5 (3.7)

6 (4.2)

0.85 [0.25, 2.88]; 0.80


1 (0.7)

4 (2.8)

0.25 [0.02, 2.29]; 0.18

   Lost to follow-up

19 (13.9)

24 (17.0)

0.79 [0.41, 1.52]; 0.48

 Punctuality to appointment dates

  Early and Prompt

69 (50.4)

70 (49.3)

1.04 [0.65, 1.66]; 0.85


44 (32.1)

38 (26.8)

1.29 [0.77, 2.17]; 0.32


Mean (SD) /

(Min, Max)


  Adherence to prescription drugs (%, VAS)

98.9 (5.8) /

(50, 100)

99.2 (3.8) /

(70, 100)

- 0.3 [−1.5, 1.1]; 0.73

At 6 monthss

 Attendance to appointments

  Number of patients followed

88 (64.2)

90 (63.4)

1.03 [0.63, 1.69];0.88

  Number of patients withdrawn

49 (35,8)

52 (36.6)

0.96 [0.59, 1.57]; 0.88

   Transferred out

5 (3.6)

6 (4.2)

0.85 [0.25, 2.88]; 0.80


2 (1.5)

6 (4.2)

0.33 [0.06, 1.69]; 0.16

   Lost to follow-up

42 (30.7)

40 (28.2)

1.12 [0.67, 1.88]; 0.64

 Punctuality to appointment dates

  Early and Prompt

65 (47.4)

69 (48,6)

0.95 [0.59, 1.52]; 0.84


23 (16.8)

21 (14.8)

1.16 [0.61, 2.21]; 0.64


Mean (SD) / (Min, Max)

Mean (SD) / (Min, Max)

MD [95% CI]; p

 Adherence to prescription drugs (%, VAS)

99.7 (1.8) /

(80, 100)

99.5 (1.7) /

(90, 100)

0.2 [−0.4, 0.7]; 0.53

  1. DOT directly observed treatment, SMS short message service, OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval, Early at least 5 days before, Normal between 4 days before and 4 days after, Late starting from 5 days after, SD standard deviation, MD mean difference, VAS visual analog scale