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Table 3 Key contextual factors and their effect on participation of school staff in the training

From: Implementation of health promotion programmes in schools: an approach to understand the influence of contextual factors on the process?

Outcome 1: Participation of staff to training

Key contextual factor

Effect on participation

Needs assessment and adaptation of the programme

Positive effect: oriented the choice of approach used in the training (e.g. cognitive perspective in line with teachers’ needs) and determined changes and evolution of the training

Positive effect 2: the adaptation of the programme to the needs of school staff had a counter-balance effect on the reluctance to participate in the programme, in cases where school staff perceived their participation as being imposed by institutional decision-makers

Importance given by district teams to the programme

Proportional effect: higher priority given to the programme by district staff determined higher participation of school staff. Support from the district management team enabled the training to actually take place in some schools.

Availability of staff

Positive effect: when staff were available they could participate.

Negative effect: the means to replace school staff who were participating in the training were not provided. The programme was perceived as an add-on activity in school staff’s busy schedule

Means allocated

Negative effect: insufficient means were allocated which hindered the implementation of the training

Implication of school staff

Positive effect: higher implication of school staff was linked with higher participation of school staff in the training