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Table 2 Quality assessment of the evidence

From: Water, sanitation and hygiene interventions for acute childhood diarrhea: a systematic review to provide estimates for the Lives Saved Tool


Quality Assessment

Number of studies

Study design(s)




Overall quality of evidence (justification)

Effect Of Water Quality Interventions at Source

Outcome: Diarrhea incidence or prevalence


2 cRCT,

3 QE

3 very low, 1 low, 1 moderate quality study

I2 = 81%

Studies favoured intervention, control, or showed no effect

Children 0–5 years; low and middle income countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Panama, Uzbekistan)

Very low

(considerable heterogeneity, non-significant pooled estimate)

Point-Of-Use Water Treatment Interventions

Intervention: Water filters and water disinfection, Outcome: Diarrhea incidence or prevalence


15 RCT, 12 cRCT,

5 QE

17 very low, 11 low, 4 moderate quality studies

I2 = 89%

Studies either favoured intervention or showed no effect

Children 0–5 years; low and middle income countries

(Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, India, Honduras, Kenya, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia [rural], South Africa, Uzbekistan, Zimbabwe)


(15 studies were low or moderate quality, large significant magnitude of effect, considerable heterogeneity warrants further research on the magnitude of the benefit)

Intervention: Water filters, Outcome: Diarrhea incidence or prevalence


8 RCT,

4 cRCT, 1 QE

8 very low, 5 low quality studies

I2 = 84%

Studies generally favoured intervention

Children 0–5 years; low and middle income countries (Bolivia, Cambodia, Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Ghana, Honduras, Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe)

Very low

(mostly very low quality studies)

Intervention: Water disinfection, Outcome: Diarrhea incidence or prevalence


7 RCT,

8 cRCT,

4 QE

9 very low, 6 low, 4 moderate quality studies

I2 = 87%

Studies either favoured intervention or showed no effect

Children 0–5 years; low and middle income countries

(Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, India, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Kenya, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia [rural], Uzbekistan)


(studies ranged from very low to moderate quality, large significant magnitude of effect, considerable heterogeneity warrants further research on the magnitude of the benefit)

Hand Washing Education with Soap Interventions

Outcome: Diarrhea incidence or prevalence


4 cRCT,

2 QE

5 very low, 1 low quality study

I2 = 81%

Studies either favoured intervention or showed no effect

Children 0–5 years; low and middle income countries (Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan)

Very low

(most studies very low quality, considerable heterogeneity)