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Table 6 The number and percentages of overweight participants

From: Is economic environment associated with the physical activity levels and obesity in Chinese adults? A cross-sectional study of 30 regions in China


Category I

Category II

Category III




20-39 age group

1707 (53.9%)

1221 (47.2%)

1293 (46.3%)

4221 (49.4%)

P < 0.01


40-59 age group

1636 (61.5%)

1257 (55.9%)

1310 (56.7%)

4203 (58.2%)

P < 0.01


60-69 age group

379 (53.5%)

275 (47.8%)

291 (45.4%)

945 (48.8%)

P < 0.05



3722 (56.8%)

2753 (50.9%)

2894 (50.4%)

9369 (52.9%)

P < 0.01


20-39 age group

889 (30.1%)

579 (24.0%)

665 (26.6%)

2133 (27.1%)

P < 0.01


40-59 age group

1281 (54.5%)

1085 (50.4%)

1131 (52.1%)

3497 (52.4%)

P < 0.05


60-69 age group

400 (59.3%)

320 (57.7%)

305 (55.2%)

1025 (57.5%)

P > 0.05



2570 (43.0%)

1985 (38.7%)

2101 (40.2%)

6656 (40.8%)

P < 0.01

  1. Note: BMI24 kg/m2 was defined as overweight
  2. GDP per capita: Category I > Category II > Category III