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Table 4 The number and percentages of participants who exercise more than 150 min per week

From: Is economic environment associated with the physical activity levels and obesity in Chinese adults? A cross-sectional study of 30 regions in China


Category I

Category II

Category III




20-39 age group

711 (18.5%)

463 (14.2%)

539 (15.4%)

1713 (16.2%)

P < 0.01


40-59 age group

859 (25.8%)

546 (19.1%)

480 (15.3%)

1885 (20.2%)

P < 0.01


60-69 age group

309 (38.8%)

190 (26.4%)

178 (22.3%)

677 (29.2%)

P < 0.01



1879 (23.6%)

1199 (17.5%)

1197 (16.1%)

4275 (19.2%)

P < 0.01


20-39 age group

608 (16.7%)

309 (10.2%)

402 (12.1%)

1319 (13.2%)

P < 0.01


40-59 age group

1031 (33.4%)

666 (23.9%)

620 (20.6%)

2317 (26.1%)

P < 0.01


60-69 age group

361 (46.1%)

247 (34.1%)

199 (25.3%)

807 (35.2%)

P < 0.01



2000 (26.6%)

1222 (18.7%)

1221 (17.2%)

4443 (21.0%)

P < 0.01

  1. Note: GDP per capita: Category I > Category II > Category III