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Table 1 Contents of the intervention

From: Internet-based educational intervention to prevent risky sexual behaviors in Mexican adolescents: study protocol


Main topic




Welcome and general explanation of the organization of the website and instructions for its use.

Invitation and compulsory automatic pass to answer the questionnaire that collects information on study variables.


What I have to know before the first time or when it happened…?

1. What is dating? What is courtship?

2. Kisses, caresses and … what’s next?

 □ What is a sexual relationship?

 □ What is sexual pleasure?

 □ What is masturbation?

 □ What is sexual intercourse?

 □ Different sexual practices …

3. Having sex is the same for men as for women?

4. What should be a basis for a good relationship during courtship or dating?

5. How to recognize when your partner abuses you in order to not allow it (forms of abuse).

6. Self-esteem and its relation to self-care


It is better to be informed and take care to prevent sexually transmitted infections

1. How sex can affect my health? Statistics of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in adolescents in the world and in Mexico.

2. How can I realize when I or my partner has a sexually transmitted infection?

3. Are there medical tests to determine whether or not I have any type of sexually transmitted infection?

4. STIs affect women differently than men?

5. Are there vaccines to prevent STIs or treatments against them?

6. How I can protect myself from STIs? Ways to practice safe sex.


It's better to know and care regarding HIV/AIDS and unwanted pregnancy.

1. HIV/AIDS: 1.1 How HIV/AIDS affects health. 1.2 Statistics on the prevalence of HIV/AIDS worldwide and in Mexico. 1.3. Ways of transmission of HIV/AIDS. 1.4 Common symptoms of people with HIV/AIDS: 1.5 Methods of detection and protection.

2. Is there any other risk in addition to STIs? And what if I get pregnant? What if my girlfriend gets pregnant? Teenage pregnancy statistics. Contraceptive methods: pros and cons.

3. Steps to use male and female condoms


Preparing for a pleasant and safe sexual experience. Am I ready?

1. How can I negotiate condom use? Learning strategies for condom use negotiation

2. Tips for condom negotiation:

 □ at first intercourse

 □ at intercourse with a stable and casual partner

 □ when one of the two consumed alcohol

 □ when both are very excited

3. Make your own comics about how you would negotiate using a condom with your partner

4. E-sites on sexual and reproductive health