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Table 2 Use of SM in the intervention

From: A youth-led social marketing intervention to encourage healthy lifestyles, the EYTO (European Youth Tackling Obesity) project: a cluster randomised controlled0 trial in Catalonia, Spain

Research group

Adolescent Challenge Creators (ACCs)

Research group and Adolescent Challenge Creators (ACCs)

1. Customer Orientation: Focuses on the audience to help understand their lives, behaviours and issues.

2. Behaviour: Aims to change people’s actual behaviours.

3.Theory: Uses behavioural theories to understand behaviour and to inform the intervention.

The peer-led model attracts the motivation of adolescents to participate and interact in the intervention, because adolescents prepare activities directed to adolescents. In this way, it has in mind their motivations and behaviours.

Aims to improve the consumption of fruits and vegetables, PA practice, and breakfast consumption and decrease the TV, PC and video game behaviour.

It used the behavioural change framework, taking into account the “Behaviour Change Wheel” (Michie, van Stralen, & West, 2011).

5. Exchange: Considers the benefits and costs of adopting and maintaining a new behaviour. The perceived cost can be social, economic, or physical.

4. Insight: develop a deep understanding of the target audience.

6. Competition: Seeks to understand the possible barriers for the audience’s time, attention, and inclination to behave in a particular way.

The consideration of the cost-effectiveness of the intervention will be evaluated at the end-of-intervention.

The peer-led model motivates adolescents to participate and interact in the intervention because adolescents prepare activities directed towards adolescents. In this way, it has in mind their motivations and behaviours.

The 5 adolescent coordinators discussed the enablers and barriers that adolescents face when making behavioural changes. From this debate, some changes were proposed to facilitate the process by including stakeholders.

8. Methods Mix: Uses a mix of methods to bring about behavioural change. Does not rely solely on raising awareness.


7. Segmentation: Identifies audience “segments” that have common characteristics and then tailors interventions appropriately.

It contributed to informing using social media, educating using activities designed by adolescent coordinators and social media, and supporting using visual material in high-schools and social media. The design and control will be applied using the suggestions provided by 5 adolescent coordinators.


The intervention is focused on adolescents 13 to 16 years of age who attend the participant high-schools and are from low socioeconomic status neighbourhoods.

  1. Social Marketing National Benchmark Criteria (SMBC) developed by the National Social Marketing Centre (NSMC) UK [23]