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Table 1 Educational activities in the TriAtiva Program

From: Design, randomization and methodology of the TriAtiva Program to reduce obesity in school children in Southern Brazil

Topics discussed in the TriAtiva Program


Nutrition Education


What do we eat and why?

To emphasize the importance of eating a variety of foods and discuss different methods of food preparation. To provide information about the importance of healthy eating habits in childhood for growth and development, using child-appropriate language.

Which foods are healthy?

To encourage the student to reflect on the importance of taking healthy snacks to school and eating healthy at school. To consolidate knowledge regarding healthy eating by assembling one’s own lunchbox.

The origin of food

To study the origin of different food items and distinguish between animal and plant products. To identify foods and their derivatives.

Food groups

To study the food groups through a food circle, games and teamwork.

Recognizing foods using all five senses.

To work on perceiving and recognizing food items through the five senses (touch, smell, hearing, taste and sight).

Importance of water

To stimulate water intake and discuss its importance to health by giving each student a water bottle.

Topics discussed in the TriAtiva Program


Physical Activity


The importance of physical activity for health

To showing the benefits of sports such as football, basketball, volleyball and swimming. To explain that sports improve motor coordination, physical conditioning and cognitive ability, and the ability to modify/create new strategies or methods to carry out different activities.

Recreational activities performed individually or in pairs

To stimulate motor skills, aerobic activities and coordination, while remembering facts about fruits, vegetables and sports.

Recreational sport activities

To stimulate motor skills, aerobic activity and coordination.

Dance Activities (rhythms)

To stimulate self-expression through music.

Cooperative Activities

To stimulate collective creativity.

Challenge to reduce sedentarism

To encourage children to substitute time spent watching television, playing videogames and using the computer for more active leisure habits. Children were motivated to have less than two hours of screen time for a week.