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Table 1 Tool to assess experiences of racism

From: Mental health impacts of racial discrimination in Australian culturally and linguistically diverse communities: a cross-sectional survey



Have you ever…

in a shop, store or mall

while doing sport, recreational or leisure activities

while seeking, housing or in dealing with real estate personnel

in a bank or other financial institution

in dealings with your local Council

in dealings with other government agencies

at work, on the job or when looking for a job

at school, university or another educational setting

in public spaces (on the street, beach, park etc.)

with the police, courts or jails

in hospitals, health, centres, at the doctor’s office

on public transport


been a target of racist names, jokes or teasing or heard comments that rely on stereotypes of your racial, ethic, culture or religious group?


been sworn at, verbally abused or had someone make offensive gestures because of your race, ethnicity, culture or religion?


had someone suggest you do not belong in Australia, that you should ‘go home’ or get out’ and so on?


felt left out or avoided because of your race, ethnicity, culture or religion?


had someone treat you as less intelligent, or inferior, because of your race, ethnicity, culture or religion?


been ignored, treated with suspicion or treated rudely because of your race, ethnicity, culture or religion?


had your property vandalised because of your race, ethnicity, culture or religion?


had someone spit or throw something at you or hit you or threaten to hit you because of your race, ethnicity, culture or religion?
