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Table 2 Lay people's anticipations of fatalities and effect of Tamiflu® during a serious influenza epidemica

From: Influenza pandemic: perception of risk and individual precautions in a general population. Cross sectional study

Absolute (baseline) risk (number of fatalities in a population of 4.6 mill)

Relative to the authorities' mortality predictionb

Proportion of respondents (n = 1168)

0.0002% – 0.02%


48 %

0.04% – 1.1%


22 %

2.2% – 22%


3 %



27 %

Relative risk reduction from Tamiflu ®


< 50 %

24 %

50 – 100%

24 %

Inconsistent (ARRb > baseline risk)

3 %


48 %

Number needed to treat


< 1000

9 %

> 1000

41 %

Inconsistent (ARRc>baseline risk)

3 %


47 %

  1. a) Estimated from the respondents' anticipated number of fatalities and number of fatalities averted by Tamiflu®, relative to a total population of 4.6 million.
  2. b) The Norwegian Institute of Public Health states that 0.05%–1% of the population might die during an influenza pandemic
  3. c) ARR = absolute risk reduction