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Table 2 Employment changes over 12 months in the colorectal cancer and general population groups

From: The return to work experiences of middle-aged Australian workers diagnosed with colorectal cancer: a matched cohort study


Colorectal cancer

General population




n (%)1

N = 717


Hours worked, mean (SD)


- at Baseline

n = 217

42.4 (15.9)

38.6 (14.4)


- at 12 months in those working

n = 132

38.2 (15.3)

38.7 (14.3)


Changes in work hours per week


- ceased work

n = 187

50 (27%)

53 (8%)


- decreased (≥4 hours)

36 (19%)

156 (23%)

- unchanged (< ± 4 hours)

99 (53%)

377 (55%)

- increased (≥4 hours)

2 (1%)

101 (15%)

Days off work4, median (25,75%)

n = 102

91 (14,183)



Full- to part-time5

n = 140

45 (32%)

28 (6%)


Changes in income


- reduced by >5%

n = 92

17 (19%)

111 (24%)


- increased by >5%

3 (3%)

189 (42%)

- unchanged or changed by up to ±5%

72 (78%)

156 (34%)

Occupation changed

n = 147

15 (10%)

43 (7%)


Employer changed

n = 147

11 (8%)

30 (5%)


Workplace responsibilities changed

n = 145

29 (20%)



  1. 1unless otherwise indicated.
  2. 2t-tests.
  3. 3chi-squared test.
  4. 4due to cancer.
  5. 5full time is defined as working ≥32 hours per week, part time is <32 hours per week.