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Table 1 Targets of the ‘BBOFT+’ approach

From: Primary prevention of overweight in preschool children, the BeeBOFT study (breastfeeding, breakfast daily, outside playing, few sweet drinks, less TV viewing): design of a cluster randomized controlled trial

Enlarging parenting skills is operationalized as:

- Increase children’s self-esteem by spending time with the child, talk and show affection to the child. Regularly interact with a child while it is behaving positive, and talk with children about their activities, cuddle, touch, and hold the child (body contact)

- Encourage healthy behaviors: reinforce positive behavior by praising the specific behavior

- Give positive attention: offer non-verbal attention (smiling, touching)

- Offer attractive activities: play material etc. (age and development phase related)

- Parent is positive example (modeling)

- Reinforce spontaneous learning moments

- Reinforce learning by experience, instruction

Stimulus control

- Basic rules and regulations (age en development phase related)

- Direct intervention when child is misbehaving

- Clear instructions in a quiet way

Operant conditioning

- Misbehavior will be related to direct consequence

- Time out

- Positive reinforcement

- Child rearing: warm, positive, and also monitoring and setting borders

- Grandparent’s behavior (no spoiling)

Optimize nutrition is operationalized as:

- Establishing eating routine (0–9 months regularity and stimulus reduction)

- > 6 months specific times for meals and snacks (stimulus control)

- Prevention of introduction of extra foods (unhealthy snack foods, take away, sugar drinks)

- Provision of healthy alternatives

Optimize physical activity is operationalized as:

- Prevention of sedentary activities (TV etc.)

- Improve daily physical activity (daily walk, play-pen, tummy time, play outside etc.)

Optimize sleep duration and sleep behavior is operationalized as:

- Optimal sleep duration per day

- Hours an infant can remain awake

- Time the child needs to fall asleep

- Number of times the child wakes up during the night