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Table 1 Examples of culturally-relevant aspects of the Women of Color and Asthma Control intervention

From: Study protocol for Women of Color and Asthma Control:A randomized controlled trial of an asthma-management intervention for African American women

Program element


Program staff

Intervention counselors are African-American women, to enhance rapport with participants. Non-counseling staff are trained in issues related to cultural sensitivity.

Participant visuals

Photographs in workbook represent a diversity of African American women and families. Photos of telephone counselors included in workbook.

Workbook content

Use of culturally-relevant activities when discussing potential triggers (e.g., nail salons, church and family gatherings). Use of culturally-relevant examples in list of potential asthma-management problems (e.g., asthma medicine is expensive so I only buy it when my symptoms are bad, my family thinks prayer is all I need to take care of my asthma).

Telephone session content

Culturally-linked factors addressed by telephone counselors during program sessions, where relevant:

--Potential perception that asthma is life-threatening and that fears, if not managed, can block effective action.

--The role that being overweight may play in worsening asthma symptoms.

--Impact of time and family responsibilities, including extended family.

--Economic constraints in managing asthma.

--The importance of community life and the potential influence on asthma management of the beliefs of other women in their social circles.

--Potential use of alternative therapies.

--Possibility of frequent asthma symptoms.

--Possibility of use of urgent and emergency services for asthma as a regular feature of care.

--Possibility of not using anti-inflammatory medicine.

--Generation of a potential allergy profile to help in formulating strategies related to environmental control, potential seasons of increased risk, and the relationship between asthma and rhinitis.

-Effective communication with health care team and other sources of support.