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Table 3 Determinants, theoretical methods, strategies, tools and materials identified for improving relaxation

From: The development of the Be Active & Relax “Vitality in Practice” (VIP) project and design of an RCT to reduce the need for recovery in office employees

Key determinants relaxation

Theoretical method

Practical strategy

Tools and materials




GMI train the trainer for teamleaders: exercises are aimed at increasing awareness for changing relaxation.



GMI-session with team: exercises are aimed at increasing awareness for changing relaxation.




GMI-session with team: diary in workbook: completing logs to monitor their own relaxation behaviour in the last week.




GMI train the trainer for teamleaders: advantages and disadvantages of changing their relaxation behaviour and the relaxation behaviour of their team members are discussed.



GMI-session with team: advantages and disadvantages of changing relaxation behaviour are discussed using a decisional balance sheet.




GMI-sessions with team: diary in workbook: completing logs to monitor their own relaxation behaviour in the last week.

Subjective norm

Mobilizing social support


GMI-coaching for teamleaders: attention is focused on finding support among colleagues


MI and social media platform

GMI-session with team: discussion about who can provide support. Employees can join or create relaxation groups on the social media platform. Forum on social media platform to exchange advices on relaxation.

Perceived behavioural control

Reinforcement/ Goal setting


GMI train the trainer for teamleaders and GMI-session with team: worksheets to help extract planning goals (when, where, with whom?), and rewards for favourable outcomes are formulated. Positive feedback is given during group discussions and arguments to cope with difficult situations are discussed.

Physical environment

Environmental changes

Facilitation of daily physical activity and relaxation

Modifications to the coffee corners, the open office environment, the meeting rooms and the entrance hall.

  1. MI: Motivational Interviewing; GMI: Group Motivational Interviewing.