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Table 3 Key design features

From: A Policy Analysis of the implementation of a Reproductive Health Vouchers Program in Kenya

Key features


1. Benefit package

Safe motherhood (SM)

Management of labour and complications

✓ Delivery- vacuum extraction and caesarean care

✓ Emergency obstetric care; manage all stages of labour

✓ Refer for emergency obstetric care services

✓ Management of postpartum hemorrhage, eclampsia but not abortion related issues

✓ Management of retained placenta, prolonged labour/obstructed, ruptured uterus.

✓ Four ANC visits

Post natal care

✓ Within six hours of delivery examination of clients for danger signs

✓ Referral for postpartum hemorrhage, third degree tear

✓ Newborn care and referral for sick new born

✓ Post operative care for Caesarean section

✓ Review mother and counsel on infant feeding practices

✓ Contraception and PMTCT services

Long term Family planning methods

✓ Long-term contraception methods but at present underutilized- implants, IUCD, male and female voluntary surgical contraception

Gender based violence

✓ Medical examination and treatment and management of injuries

✓ Hospitalization and accommodation

✓ Laboratory testing and X-rays including (HIV/AIDS, High Vaginal Swab, Hepatitis, Pregnancy, Syphilis, Urinalysis, Haemogram, Liver Function

✓ Access to pregnancy prevention medication & antiretroviral drugs

✓ Professional counselling

2. Quality Assurance

Infrastructure and basic services

✓ Facilities with basic equipment and infrastructure and staff according to the level of care

✓ Provision of basic emergency and comprehensive obstetric care

Monitoring quality

✓ Documentation of treatment given including filling in the partograph, patient file notes and register

✓ Documentation to facilitate reimbursements and claims

✓ Analysis of claims data regularly every three months

3. Selection of facilities and accreditation process

Selection of providers

✓ Mapping of facilities in selected districts based on level of care and service given (basic and comprehensive obstetric care) and licensed service providers

✓ Selection made by an assessor using set criteria

Contracting providers and distributors

✓ Contractual agreements with selected VSPs and distributors

4. Marketing and distribution

Distribution process

✓ Two mechanisms used; direct approach distribution where vouchers are sold to clients in their homes; use of specific locations- where clients will go to specific points to access the vouchers such as preferred fixed selling points such as pharmacies.

Marketing strategy

✓ Designed to use local media, radio shows, vans buses, fliers and posters and marketed as VOCHA brand

5. Claims and reimbursement process

Claims processing

✓ Time line pegged at a month from presenting claim with proper documentation


✓ Reimbursement fee set based on a market analysis of what different facilities charged and negotiated

6. Management system

✓ System of managing program with clearly defined roles