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Table 1 NCSP core requirements and quality criteria for website assessment

From: Internet testing for Chlamydia trachomatisin England, 2006 to 2010

NCSP core requirement[16]

Linked quality indicator

Clinical/service implications

Individuals with symptoms should be referred via local care pathways to competent services.

Is specific information provided on the website about where to go if you are symptomatic?

Those who have symptoms may require urgent clinical care and should be signposted appropriately.

Chlamydia screening is an opportunity for sexual health promotion

Is specific information on the website about

Relevant sexual health promotion advice may reduce risks of chlamydia or other STI.

a) condom use

b) contraception

c) how to access other STI tests?

Sexually active individuals aged under 16 can be offered screening if Fraser competent.

Does the site allow you to request a test if aged under 16?

UK guidelines on access to sexual health services for young people specify that the young person’s competence to consent to the service should be assessed by a trained health professional [18].