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Table 7 Effect of case management on neonatal sepsis and pneumonia cause specific mortality, and GRADE of the estimate

From: Effect of case management on neonatal mortality due to sepsis and pneumonia

Effect on neonatal deaths due to pneumonia

Cause specific effect and 95% CI/ interquartile range:

Oral therapy

42% (18-59%,95% CI)

Injection therapy

75% (70-81% interquartile range on Delphi)

Hospital-based case management

90% (89-95% interquartile range on Delphi)

Quality of input evidence:

For oral therapy, moderate (3 low quality non-randomized concurrent control studies)

For the effects of injection therapy and full case management, the level of evidence is very low (based on Delphi).

Proximity of the data to cause specific mortality effect:

Moderate for oral therapy as several low quality but consistent studies; however, lack of consistency in cause-of-death definitions

Very low quality for injection therapy and full case management as these results are based on Delphi

Limitations of the evidence:

Interpretation of the data is limited by concurrent interventions particularly for studies with injection case management

Possible adverse effects:

Data not reviewed

Effect on neonatal deaths due to sepsis and meningitis

Cause specific effect and interquartile range:

Oral therapy

28% (20-36.25% interquartile range on Delphi)

Injection therapy

65% (50-70% interquartile range on Delphi)

Hospital-based management

80% (75-85% interquartile range on Delphi)

Quality of input evidence:

Very low (based on Delphi)

Proximity of the data to cause specific mortality effect:

Direct effect estimated by Delphi

Limitations of the evidence:

Lack of direct evidence on sepsis-specific mortality. Studies have evaluated injectable antibiotics as part of multiple co-intervention peri-natal care packages.

Possible adverse effects:

Data not reviewed