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Table 3 Between-group regression model comparing outcomes at six months

From: An evaluation of the effectiveness of a community mentoring service for socially isolated older people: a controlled trial

Health measures






differencea, b

SF-12 MCS - mean (SD)

n = 168

46.7 (11.2)

n = 182

49.2 (10.0)

0.8 (-1.5, 3.2); p = 0.48

SF-12 PCS - mean (SD)

n = 168

34.8 (11.4)

n = 182

42.7 (12.6)

0.1 (-1.9, 2.1); p = 0.90

EQ-5D - mean (SD)c

n = 172

0.6 (0.3)

n = 186

0.8 (0.2)

-0.09 (-0.14, -0.03); p < 0.01

GDS-10 - mean (SD)

n = 165

4.1 (2.4)

n = 185

2.2 (2.1)

0.2 (-0.2, 0.7); p = 0.29

Social Activities


Nos. friends/family - median (IQR)

n = 172

5 (3, 8)

n = 183

6 (4, 10)

0.1 (-1.4, 1.6); p = 0.89

Nos. clubs/groups - median (IQR)

n = 172

1 (0, 2)

n = 186

1 (0, 2)

0.3 (-0.1, 0.6); p = 0.15

Get together with friends/family- median (IQR)d

n = 172

3 (2, 5)

n = 186

3 (2, 4)

1.5 (0.7, 3.2); p = 0.25

Getting along with others- median (IQR)e

n = 172

2 (2, 2)

n = 186

2 (2, 2)

0.6 (0.4, 0.9); p < 0.01

Social support


MOS-6 - mean (SD)

n = 170

2.9 (1.1)

n = 184

3.6 (1.0)

0.03 (-0.2, 0.2); p = 0.75

GHS items


Work around the house- n (%)

n = 171

10 (5.9%)

n = 186

32 (17.2%)

1.2 (0.5, 2.9), p = 0.72

Transport/errands - n (%)

n = 171

20 (11.7%)

n = 186

57 (30.7%)

1.5 (0.8, 3.0); p = 0.24

Child care - n (%)

n = 171

20 (11.7%)

n = 186

35 (18.8%)

1.2 (0.4, 3.5); p = 0.79

Practical advice - n (%)

n = 171

19 (11.1%)

n = 186

34 (18.3%)

1.1 (0.5, 2.5); p = 0.79

Emotional support - n (%)

n = 171

46 (26.9%)

n = 186

83 (44.6%)

1.2 (0.7, 2.2); p = 0.46

Other - n (%)

n = 171

29 (17.0%)

n = 186

42 (22.6%)

1.1 (0.6, 2.2); p = 0.76

None of the above - n (%)

n = 171

85 (49.7%)

n = 186

51 (27.4%)

0.7 (0.4, 1.2); p = 0.19



Depression or anxiety - n (%)

n = 172

96 (55.8%)

n = 185

67 (36.2%)

1.0 (0.6, 1.9); p = 0.92

Memory/concentration problems- n (%)

n = 171

91 (53.2%)

n = 186

71 (38.2%)

0.9 (0.5, 1.7); p = 0.69

Sleeping difficulties - n (%)

n = 172

89 (51.7%)

n = 186

87 (46.8%)

1.2 (0.6, 2.3); p = 0.61

  1. a Adjusted for employment status, accommodation type and living circumstances at baseline.
  2. b Between-group differences for SF-12 MCS, SF-12 PCS, EQ-5D, GDS-10, no. of close friends/family, no. of clubs/groups and MOS-6 are presented as mean differences (intervention minus control), with odds ratios (control as reference category) presented for all other items to which intervention group is compared.
  3. c Presented to two decimal places as 95% CIs were unclear when using one decimal place due to rounding.
  4. d Scale: 1 = every day, 2 = several times a week, 3 = about once a week, 4 = 2 or 3 times a week, 5 = about once a month, 6 = 5 to 10 times a year, 7 = less than 5 times a year. An odds ratio >1 reflects the intervention group reporting poorer performance relative to the control group.
  5. e Scale: 1 = better than usual, 2 = about the same as usual, 3 = not as well as usual. An odds ratio >1 reflects the intervention group reporting better performance relative to the control group.