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Table 1 Checklist of work-related ergonomic risk factors

From: Work-related and personal factors in shoulder disorders among electronics workers: findings from an electronics enterprise in Taiwan


 Repeating the same motions every few seconds

 A sequence of movements repeated more than twice per minute

 More than 50% of the cycle time involved in performing the same sequence of motions


 Large range of joint movement such as side to side or up and down

 Awkward or extreme joint positions

 Joints held in fixed positions

 Stretching to reach items or controls

 Twisting or rotating items or controls

 Working overhead


 Pushing, pulling, moving things (including with the fingers or thumb)

 Grasping / gripping

 Pinch grips i.e. holding or grasping objects between thumb and finger

 Steadying or supporting items or work pieces

 Shock and /or impact being transmitted to the body from tools or equipment

 Objects creating localized pressure on any part of the upper limb


 Use any powered hand-held or hand-guided tools or equipment / hand-feed work pieces to vibrating equipment