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Table 2 Examples of text-messages mapped onto COM-B behaviour change techniques

From: Intervention development of a brief messaging intervention for a randomised controlled trial to improve diabetes treatment adherence in sub-Saharan Africa

Brief text message

COM-B behaviour change domain and techniques

Struggling to remember to pick up your meds? A trusted friend or family member could help remind you. Thnx [DiabetesTeam@VanClinic]


Social Support – cue to action

Your good health is important. Pls take your meds as prescribed for all your health problems, even if you feel fine. Thnx [DiabetesTeam@VanClinic]


Addressing known triggers for sub-optimal adherence

Attending clinic appointments will help you stay healthy. Pls try to plan ahead for your arrangements (e.g. travel, work, child care). Thnx [DiabetesTeam@VanClinic]


Enhancing physical opportunity (mobilise time and resources)

It’s easy to forget your meds at home when travelling. Pls remember to take your meds along on your trip. Thnx [DiabetesTeam@VanClinic]


Building flexible knowledge of strategies to have medicines available to take

Well-controlled blood sugar (taking your meds & a healthy lifestyle) helps decrease the risk of a stroke. Thnx [DiabetesTeam@VanClinic]


Psychological capability - knowledge of natural disease progression

Caring for your feet is really important. Ask us for information on how to look after your feet. Thnx [DiabetesTeam@VanClinic]


Enhancing psychological capability for self-management

Sugar diabetes can affect anyone. Men, women & people of all ages, in all countries are living with sugar diabetes. Thnx [DiabetesTeam@VanClinic]


Social opportunity - encouraging social norms that disease is not due to personal failing

It can be difficult to change what you eat. Try to make a few small changes to your diet that you can stick to. Thnx [DiabetesTeam@VanClinic]


Social opportunity -cue to action

Healthy food is not always expensive. Beans and eggs provide good protein and cost less than meat. Thnx []DiabetesTeam@VanClinic]


Reflection, evaluation and challenging automatic processes

Losing weight can be hard. Start with small steps, like eating a fruit for a snack instead of biscuits or sweets. Thnx [Dr@VanClinic]


Social opportunity - cue to action