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Table 3 Master themes and sub-themes developed during the thematic analysis process

From: A digital lifestyle behaviour change intervention for the prevention of type 2 diabetes: a qualitative study exploring intuitive engagement with real-time glucose and physical activity feedback

Master themes (with description)


a, Reasons for engagement (sub-themes associated with how engagement resulted from the individual themselves, when the device delivered a notification or when other people prompted them to)

Engagement driven by the participant

Engagement driven by the device(s)

Engagement driven by other people

b, The relationship between behaviour and physiology (sub-themes associated with recognizing the relationship between behaviour and physiology, self-experimentation and the implications of this on patterns of engagement over time)

Recognizing the relationship


Implications over time

c, The various metrics shown lacked meaning (sub-themes associated with difficulty interpreting the data, feeling unsure as to how to respond to the data and seeking external sources of information)

Interpreting glucose data

Unsure how to respond to the data

Using online resources

d, Changes to movement behaviours (sub-themes associated with being more physically active and interrupting time spent sitting)

Becoming more physically active

Interrupting sitting time

e, Changes to diet (sub-themes associated with making changes to the timing and type of food consumed and portion sizes)

Changing what food was consumed

Changing when food was consumed

f, Barriers to behaviour change (sub-themes associated with internal and external barriers)

Internal barriers

External barriers