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Table 2 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for title and abstract and/or

From: The use of advanced medical technologies at home: a systematic review of the literature





Advanced medical technology (−ies)

Medical technology (−ies)

Medical device(s)

High-tech medical technology (−ies)

High-tech home care



Home health care

Home-based care

Home-based technology (−ies)

Home-centered health-enabling technology (−ies)

Care at home

Care in the home


Inclusion criteria for abstract below





Telemedical system




Ambient assisted environment

iPad technology

VAD (ventricular assist device)

Dental devices

ECG (electrocardiogram)

AED (automatic external defibrillator)



Nursing home

Abstract and/or article

Year of publication: 2000–2015

1. Respiratory support (RIVM)


  Respiratory support

  Respiratory therapy



  Mechanical ventilation

  Support ventilation

  Invasive ventilation

  Non-invasive ventilation

  Non-invasive mechanical ventilation

  Continuous positive   airway pressure (CPAP)

  Bilevel positive airway pressure (BPAP, BiPAP)

  Negative pressure ventilation (NVP)

  Mechanical in-exsufflation

2. Sleep apnea treatment (RIVM)

  Sleep apnea treatment device

  (Positive) airway pressure device (PAP)

3. Suction devices (RIVM)

  Suction machine

  Suction apparatus

  Airway suction device

  Digital suction

  Mucus removal

4. Oxygen therapy (RIVM)

  Oxygen therapy

  Long-term oxygen cylinder

  Long-term oxygen ventilator

  Supplemental oxygen

  Oxygen conserver

  Oxygen concentrator

  Oxygen tank

5. Dialysis (RIVM)

  Haemo dialysis

  Hemo dialysis

  Peritoneal dialysis

  Peritoneal catheter drainage system

  Peritoneal automatic delivery system

  CAPD (Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis)

  APD (Automated Peritoneal Dialysis)

  Dialysis machine

  Sorbent dialysis

6. Vacuum assisted wound  closure (RIVM)

  Negative-pressure wound therapy system

  VAC- therapy


  Vacuum assisted wound closure

7. Decubitus treatment (RIVM)

  Pressure ulcer treatment

  Decubitus treatment

  Decubitus mattress

  Pressure relief mattress

8. External electrostimulation  (RIVM)

  (External) electrostimulation

  Electrical stimulation


  Nerve stimulation

  Transcutaneaous electrical stimulation to treat

  slow-transit constipation

9. Continuous passive motion  (RIVM)

  Continuous passive motion

  Motion therapy

10.Skeletal traction (RIVM)

 (Skeletal) traction


11.Patient lifting hoists (RIVM)

  Patient lift

  Patient hoist

  Transfer device

12. Infusion therapy (RIVM)

  Infusion pump

  Infusion therapy

  Central venous catheter

  Central venous line

  Port a cath

  PICC (perifally inserted central catheter)

  Intravenous medication

  Intravenous therapy

  Intravenous chemotherapy

  Analgesia pump

  PCA-pump (patient controlled analgesia pump)

  Indwelling venous catheter

13. Insulin pump therapy (RIVM)

  Insulin pump therapy

  Insulin infusion

14. Parenteral nutrition (RIVM)

  Parenteral nutrition

  Parenteral feeding

  Intravenous nutrition

15. Enteral nutrition (RIVM)

  Enteral nutrition

  Tube feeding / feeding tube

  Feeding pump

  Enteral feeding

  PEG-tube (percutaneous   endoscopic gastrostomy)

- If no abstract and no article available

- If the title is in English, but the article is written not in English, German, French or Dutch/ Flemish.

- If about medical technologies, but not about the application in the setting of the home.

- If the abstract or article contains no empirical material. For the purpose of this review, ‘empirical material’ is defined as:

• medical technology which is designed for the home setting, or

• where the design or choices took into account the setting of the home, or

• where the medical technology has been tested for the home and

• if the medical technology is already on the market or being used in the home setting.

- If the abstract or article is about:

• electronic health records

• ‘smart home’

• ambient intelligence

• pervasive computing

• software of devices

• smart phone

• (surgical) robots

- If not conform the definition of RIVM (2013, page 15) of ‘complex medical technology’.

Advanced medical technology or high-tech technology in the home setting is defined as technology that is part of the technical skills in nursing and meets the following conditions:

• technology that is advanced or high-tech, i.e. equipment with a plug, a switch on/off button, alarm button, pause button etc.;

• technology that had been applied formerly in hospital care (‘intramural’), but that is applied also often in home settings nowadays;

• technology that can be categorized as ‘supporting physiological functions’, ‘administration’ or ‘monitoring’.

  PEGJ-tube (percutaneous   endoscopic gastrostomy,   jejeunum)

  Percutaneous gastrostomy tube

  Jejeunostomy tube

  Gastrostomy feeding

16. UV therapy (RIVM)

  UV therapy

  Ultraviolet therapy


17. Nebulizer (RIVM)


18. Fetal cardiotocography  (RIVM)

  Electronic fetal monitoring

  Fetal monitoring


19. Respiratory and  circulatory monitoring  (RIVM)


  Respiratory monitoring

  Circulatory monitoring

  Pulse oximeter
