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Fig. 2 | BMC Public Health

Fig. 2

From: Overweight and obesity among women: analysis of demographic and health survey data from 32 Sub-Saharan African Countries

Fig. 2

Scatterplot of obesity prevalence of women in each country by no education (weighted by total sample size of the country). Abbreviation: BEN Benin, BFA Burkina Faso, BDI Burundi, CMR Cameron, TCD Chad, COM Comoros, COG Congo (Brazzaville), COD Congo Republic, CIV Cote d’Ivorie, ETH Ethiopia, GAB Gabon, GHA Ghana, GIN Guinean, KEN Kenya, LSO Lesotho, LBR Liberia, MDG Madagascar, MWI Malawi, MLI Mali, MOZ Mozambique, NAM Namibia, NER Niger, NGA Nigeria, RWA Rwanda, STP Sao Tome, SEN Senegal, SLE Sierra Leon, SWZ Swaziland, TZA Tanzania, UGA Uganda, ZMB Zambia, ZWE Zimbabwe

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