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Table 1 Baseline characteristics regarding physical activity, body weight, and sitting time

From: Effects of the Swedish physical activity on prescription model on health-related quality of life in overweight older adults: a randomised controlled trial


Intervention (n = 47)

Control (n = 54)

Sex (female/male (percent female))

27/20 (57 %)

31/23 (57 %)

Steps per day, pedometry

5390 (2791)

4980 (2763)

Body weight (kg)

88 (14.2)

88.3 (11.1)

Physical activity diary


Sessions/week of at least moderate intensitya

2 (1–5)

2 (1–5)

Minutes/week of at least moderate intensitya

120 (0–220)

130 (40–215)



Sitting time (hours/day)

5 (3–7)

5 (4–7)

Leisure time physical activity


Sedentary leisure time

13 %

11 %

Light activities ≥2 h/week

64 %

59 %

Regular moderate PA 1 to 2 · ≥30 min/week

15 %

20 %

Regular exercise ≥3 · ≥30 min/week

4 %

9 %

Follow-up data unavailable (n)



  1. Note: All data expressed as mean (SD), median (Q1–Q3), number or percentage
  2. aDefined as rate of perceived exertion (RPE) ≥12 [4648]