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Table 2 Reasons for last HIV test, frequency of testing, and distance to last transmission risk event, German MSM online survey 2013

From: Recency and frequency of HIV testing among men who have sex with men in Germany and socio-demographic factors associated with testing behaviour

Reasons for last HIV test (multiple answers possible)

Proportion of respondents indicating the specific reason


Recent (<=12 months) (N = 5,885)

Distant (>12 months) (N = 4,001)

Transmission risk event within 6 months preceding the last test

29.4 %

26.5 %

Transmission risk event longer than 6 months ago

12.7 %

13.1 %

Symptoms suggestive of acute HIV infection

3.1 %

1.9 %

Symptoms suggestive of compromised immune status (AIDS)

2.3 %

2.4 %

Forced to get tested

1.5 %

2.9 %

Recommended to get tested

10.8 %

11.6 %

To be able to have sex without condom with partner

21.1 %

29.9 %

Routine testing

53.4 %

13.1 %

Other reasons

24.0 %

32.9 %

Lifetime frequency of having tested for HIV

(N = 5,861)

(N = 3,992)


14.3 %

41.5 %


14.9 %

24.0 %

3 times

15.6 %

15.9 %

4 times

22.2 %

12.0 %

5 or more times

32.9 %

6.6 %

Interval between last transmission risk event and last HIV testa


Recent (N = 1,728)

Distant (N = 1,061)

<=4 weeks

18.2 %

11.8 %

4 weeks – 12 weeks

26.3 %

25.1 %

>12 weeks

47.5 %

46.8 %

Don’t remember

8.1 %

16.3 %


100.0 %

100.0 %

  1. aOnly men who reported a transmission risk within 6 months preceding the test