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Table 3 Unadjusted and adjusted relationships of pregnancy care or preventive aspects of undocumented migrants vs. women with legal residency status (control group) who delivered at the Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland between February 2005 and October 2006

From: Undocumented migrants lack access to pregnancy care and prevention

Characteristic or measurement

Unadjusted OR (95% CI)

Adjusted OR (95% CI)

Unintended pregnancy

11.7 (7.2;19.0)

8.0 (4.7;13.5)°°

Delayed prenatal care (> 12 weeks of amenorrhea)

13.3 (6.3;27.9)

10.8 (4.8;24.2)°°

Violence during pregnancy

9.6 (2.7;33.5)

8.6 (2.4;30.6)°

Pap-test never or more than 3 years ago

9.9 (3.7;26.4)

5.7 (2.0;16.5)°°

Never breast examination by physician

10.5 (4.9;22.3)

9.6 (4.5;20.5)°

No knowledge of emergency pill

15.9 (8.9;28.3)

15.7 (8.8;28.2)°

  1. ° adjusted for age
  2. °° adjusted for age and civil status