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Table 8 Quantitative non-scalar health and social outcomes, studies without a control or comparison group (studies included in the review)

From: A systematic review of the health, social and financial impacts of welfare rights advice delivered in healthcare settings

Authors (date)

Sample size and composition

Sample selection strategy

Data collection method

Summary of results

Abbott & Hobby (1999)[79]

48 clients

all clients whose income increased as a result of the advice

structured interview

69% felt increase in income "affected how they felt about life and/or that their health had improved"

Borland (2004)[83, 84]

1088 clients

all clients asked to complete questionnaire

postal questionnaire

88% felt better after seeing the advice worker

Broseley Health and Advice Partnership (2004)[86]

unspecified number of clients

not reported

postal questionnaire

100% "felt less worried or stressed" following the advice 75% "had more money to buy food or provide heating" following the advice 75% "felt better in themselves" following the advice

Hastie (2003)[98]

86 clients

not reported

postal questionnaire

87% thought the service "made a positive difference to them" 83% "felt less worried, calmer and supported" following the advice 60% "felt their health had improved" following the advice 53% "felt that their housing situation had improved" following the advice

Lishman-Peat & Brown (2002)[105]

34 clients

not reported

structured interview

73% "felt happier having been helped by ad advisor, even if that help did not result in extra income"

Sedgefield and district AIS (2004)[113]

33 clients

not reported

postal questionnaire

73% felt advice had "improved quality of life"

Vaccarello (2004)[115]

unspecified number of clients

10% random sample of clients invited to take part

postal questionnaire

98% felt service "had improved their quality of life" 91% said the service "had helped them to keep independent and remain in their own home" 83% "felt they were able to manage more safely in their homes" following the advice 77% felt they "cope better with their day-to-day living" following the advice

Ferguson & Simmons[93]

unspecified number of clients

not reported

not reported

46% felt "less anxious or worried" after seeing the advisor 11% "reported an improvement in their health" 13% "reported that they could now afford a better diet" 13% "stated that they could afford increased heating" as a result of the advice