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Table 2 Overview of main observations noted during participatory rural appraisal focus group discussions with Latino farmworkers

From: Identification of barriers to the prevention and treatment of heat-related illness in Latino farmworkers using activity-oriented, participatory rural appraisal focus group methods


Farmworkers subscribe to varying degrees to the belief that cooling treatments should be avoided after heat exposure, with some believing that such treatments should be avoided after heat exposure, and others encouraging the use of such treatments.


The location of water at work (e.g. next to restrooms) and whether water appears clean, but not necessarily chemically-treated, are important considerations in deciding whether to drink the water provided at worksites.


Highly caffeinated energy drinks, such as Monster® and Red Bull™, are strongly preferred to increase work efficiency and maintain alertness.


The desire to lose weight may be reflected in behaviors that promote increased sweating.