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Table 5 School management questionnaire

From: EuropeaN Energy balance Research to prevent excessive weight Gain among Youth (ENERGY) project: Design and methodology of the ENERGY cross-sectional survey

School environment

Physical activity behaviour

Dietary behaviour

Physical activity and Dietary Behaviour

Physical environment


Opportunities to eat/drink and be physically active

1. How do the majority of the 5th-6th graders in your school get to/from school? (1 = By motorised transportation; 2 = By walking/biking; 3 = About 50/50 of each of the above

2. Is it generally regarded as safe to walk or bike to your school? (0 = no; 1 = yes)

3. Are there scheduled times for recess between lessons for 5-6th graders? (0 = no; 1 = yes, please fill in the number of the recesses, start time and end time)

4. How many lessons of required physical education are scheduled per week for the 5th-6th graders in your school? (please fill in..)

5. What is the scheduled time per lesson of physical education for the 5th - 6th graders? (1 = 30 minutes or less; 2 = 30-45 minutes; 3 = 46-60 minutes; 4 = 61-75 minutes; 5 = 76-90 minutes; 6 = More than 90 minutes)

6. Does your school regularly (i.e. weekly) offer or practice any of the following additional opportunities for 5th - 6th graders to be physically active?

a) Brief teacher organized physical activities in lessons other than physical education (0 = no; 1 = yes)

b) Organised sport activities before or after the school day (i.e. school sports team, after-school activities) (0 = no; 1 = yes)

1. Are there scheduled times to eat main meals or a "snack" for 5-6th graders? (0 = no; 1 = yes, please fill in the name of the eating occasion, start time and end time)

2. From where does the majority of 5-6th graders get the food/drinks that they consume during the school day? (Please check all that apply) (0 = no; 1 = yes for meals; 2 = yes for snacks)

a) Home (i.e. bagged lunch)

b) Shops etc around the school (i.e. bought on the way to school or in recess during the school day)

c) Subscription programs offered through school (i.e. milk, fruit, sandwiches)

d) School canteen

e) School shop/kiosk

f) Vending machines on the school premises

3. How are the meals/snacks obtained at school paid for? (Please check all that apply) (0 = NA; 1 = meals; 2 = snacks)

a) Parents prepay - in full

b) Parents prepay - but partly subsidized (by school/government)

c) Parent pay afterwards (by invoice)

d) Pupil/parent pay at point of purchase - in full

e) Pupil/parent pay at point of purchase - but partly subsidized (by school/government)

f) School pay - in full (through own budget)

g) School pay - but subsidized by government (local/national)

h) Local/national government pay - in full

i) Private companies pay - in full

j) Private companies pay - in part

k) Offered for free/subsidized price to pupils from low-income families


Social environment


Social factors related to healthy eating and physical activity

1. Rate to what extent teachers/other adults at your school act as role models by being physically active (0 = small; 4 = very large)

2. Rate to what extent play or physical activity during recess is promoted at your school. (0 = small; 4 = very large)

3. Rate to what extent the majority of parents at your school support physical activity to/from and in school. (0 = small; 4 = very large)

1. Rate to what extent teachers/other adults at your school act as role models by eating healthy foods/drinks. (0 = small; 4 = very large)

2. Rate to what extent healthy foods/drinks are promoted at your school's social/sporting events (0 = small; 4 = very large)

3. Rate to what the extent the majority of parents at your school support healthy eating in school. (0 = small; 4 = very large)

1. Rate to what extent promoting healthy eating and/or physical activity is regarded as important at your school. (0 = small; 4 = very large)

2. Rate to what extent the school health services promote healthy eating and/or physical activity at your school (0 = small; 4 = very large)

3. Rate to what extent you personally regard promoting healthy eating and/or physical activity as important for schools. (0 = small; 4 = very large)

Political environment


Available organized services and practices related to eating/drinking and physical activity

1. Please, indicate which of the following physical activity practices you consider part of your school's (daily) routine. (Write 0 = no; 1 = partly/sometimes; 2 = yes; 3 = NA)

a) Encourage biking/walking to school

b) Provide bike racks or a designated area for bike parking

c) Work to ensure traffic safety at start/end of the school day

d) Require pupils to be outside during recess

e) Allow pupils to use own equipment (balls, ropes etc) during recess

f) Provide access to sports equipment (balls, ropes etc) during recess

g) Provide adult/teacher supervision of school grounds during recess

h) Encourage pupils to play or be physically active during recess

i) Teach about physical activity and health as part of the curriculum

j) Teach skills to practice specific sports as part of the curriculum

k) Require physical education teachers to be certified/specialists in physical education

l) Require pupils to be dressed for physical activity in physical education lessons

m) Provide clean and separate changing rooms with showers

n) Require pupils to shower after physical education lessons

o) Require a note from parents for single absences from physical education

p) Require a note from a doctor for long term absences from physical education

q) Provide alternative physical activities in physical education for pupils with special needs

r) Provide parents with feedback on their child's development in physical education

s) Give physical education homework Include physical activity in lessons other than physical education

t) Allow general use of school grounds (incl. outdoor facilities) before/after the school day

u) Encourage teachers and other staff to act as role models for physical activity

v) Address the importance of everyday physical activity at parent meetings

w) Address the importance of everyday physical activity in written information to parents

2) In which forums or with whom have physical activity practices been discussed at your school in the past 2 years? (0 = No; 1 = Yes, to some extent; 2 = Yes to a great extent)

a) Teacher/staff meetings

b) Parent meetings

c) With pupils

d) With school nurse/doctor

e) other

1. Please, indicate which of the following eating/drinking practices you consider part of your school's (daily) routine. (Write 0 = no; 1 = partly/sometimes; 2 = yes; 3 = NA)

a) Provide easy access to fresh drinking water at all times

b) Apply nutritional guidelines for what foods/drinks may be offered in the canteen

c) Apply nutritional guidelines for what foods/drinks may be sold in the school shop/kiosk

d) Apply nutritional guidelines for what foods/drinks may be sold in vending machines

e) Prohibit that pupils bring unhealthy foods/drinks to school on a regular school day

f) Allow pupils to leave school during any or all of the recesses

g) Provide adequate eating facilities (i.e. clean, access to water to wash hands, waste bins)

h) Provide adult supervision during scheduled snacks/meal times

i) Encourage teachers and other staff to act as role models for healthy eating

j) Encourage pupils to eat and drink healthy foods and drinks

k) Allow pupils to eat whenever they want

l) Limit access to canteen to snack/meal times only

m) Limit access to school shop/kiosk to snack/meal times only

n) Limit access to vending machines to snack/meal times only

o) Provide healthy food/drink options at social/sporting events

p) Provide healthy food/drink options at parent meetings

q) Provide healthy food/drink options at teacher trainings and other staff meetings

r) Allow marketing (i.e. posters, material, events) of unhealthy foods/drinks at/through school

s) Prohibit sale of unhealthy foods as fund raising during school days

t) Prohibit use of unhealthy food/drinks as rewards by teachers and other staff

u) Teach about food, nutrition and health as part of the curriculum

v) Teach practical cooking skills as part of the curriculum

w) Address the importance of everyday healthy eating at parent meetings

x) Address the importance of everyday healthy eating in written information to parents

2) In which forums or with whom have eating/drinking practices been discussed at your school in the past 2 years? (0 = No; 1 = Yes, to some extent; 2 = Yes to a great extent)

a) Teacher/staff meetings

b) Parent meetings

c) With pupils

d) With school nurse/doctor

e) other

1. Are any of the practices discussed stated in written documents? (Please check all that apply) (0 = No; 1 = Yes, in a school health policy; 2 = Yes, in a school food policy; 3 = yes in a school physical activity policy; 4 = other)

2. For how long has the school had these policy documents? (1 = less than a year; 2 = 1-2 years; 3 = 3-4 years; 4 = 5 years or more)

a) health

b) food

c) physical activity

Economic environment


Economic factors related to eating/drinking and physical activity

1. Please, indicate which of the following economic factors/sponsorships have been used in your school in the past 2 years. (Write 0 = No; 1 = partly/sometimes; 2 = yes; 3 = not applicable)

a) Obtained sponsorship to buy sports equipment for recess

b) Obtained sponsorship to maintain/renovate the school ground (incl. play areas)

c) Obtained sponsorship to maintain/renovate outdoor or indoor sport facilities

d) Obtained sponsorship to offer extra physical activity during school hours

e) Obtain sponsorship to offer after school sports programs

2. Has the school participated in national or regional campaigns with the aim of promoting physical activity in the past 2 years, involving any form of (chance of) reward?

0 = No, the school has not participated in such campaigns during the last 2 years;

1 = Yes, a campaign involving a reward for all pupils on the school (e.g. school party, playground facilities, concert, money prize etc)

2 = Yes, a campaign involving a reward for a group of pupils on the school (e.g. party, excursion, money prize etc)

3 = Yes, a campaign involving a reward for single pupils (e.g. money prize, book, CD's, etc)

4 = Yes, a campaign involving a reward for the school

5 = The school has participated in campaign(s) without such reward schemes

6 = Don't know

1. Please, indicate which of the following economic factors/sponsorships have been used in your school in the past 2 years. (Write 0 = No; 1 = partly/sometimes; 2 = yes; 3 = not applicable)

a) Free/subsidized milk subscription program for all

b) Free/subsidized fruit/vegetable subscription program for all

c) Free/subsidized lunch for all

d) Free/subsidized snacks for all e)

f) Reduced prices on healthy options in canteen

g) Reduced prices on healthy options in shop/kiosk

h) Reduced prices on healthy options in vending machines

i) Offered package deals on healthy options (i.e. healthy food with healthy drink)

j) Used coupon systems for healthy options (i.e. buy 5 - get the 6th for free)

k) Increased prices on unhealthy options in canteen/shop/kiosk/vending machines

l) Obtained sponsorship for healthy foods/drinks to social/sporting events

m) Obtained sponsorship for unhealthy foods/drinks to social/sporting events

n) Obtained sponsorship for healthy foods/drinks on regular school days

o) Obtained sponsorship for unhealthy foods/drinks on regular school days

2. Has the school participated in national or regional campaigns with the aim of promoting healthy diets in the past 2 years, and involving any form of (chance of) reward?

0 = No, the school has not participated in such campaigns during the last 2 years

1 = Yes, a campaign involving a reward for all pupils on the school (e.g. school party, playground facilities, concert, money prize etc)

2 = Yes, a campaign involving a reward for a group of pupils on the school (e.g. party, excursion, money prize etc)

3 = Yes, a campaign involving a reward for single pupils (e.g. money prize, book, CD's, etc)

4 = Yes, a campaign involving a reward for the school

5 = The school has participated in campaign(s) without such reward schemes

6 = Don't know

1. Please, indicate which of the following economic factors/sponsorships have been used in your school in the past 2 years. (Write 0 = No; 1 = partly/sometimes; 2 = yes; 3 = not applicable)

a) Applied for funding that required the implementation of certain healthy eating and/or physical activity practices