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Table 1 Best Practice Principles for Community-based Obesity Prevention

From: The development of a network for community-based obesity prevention: the CO-OPS Collaboration

Community engagement


C1. Approach to community engagement

E1. Evaluation framework and approach

C2. Community analysis

E2. Evaluation plan

C3. Implementation partnerships

E3. Data collection and management

C4. Program sustainability and community capacity

E4. Evaluation context


E5. Active dissemination

Program design and planning

Implementation and sustainability

P1. Problem analysis and program focus

I1. Consumer testing of messages, resources and approaches

P2. Framing of the problem

I2. Quality implementation and monitoring

P3. Planning context

I3. Adaptations and responsiveness

P4. Evidence and innovation


P5. Theory of change/change process


P6. Feasibility

Governance and accountability

P7. Program plan

G1. Explicit funding sources

P8. Target groups

G2. Program management structure