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Table 1 The four-level Physical Activity Index for the GPPAQ and eligibility for LGM

From: A process evaluation of a "physical activity pathway" in the primary care setting

Eligibility for LGM


Activity Level

Number of participants in each PAI category*



(More than 3 hours weekly)

Sedentary job and ≥ 3 hours physical exercise and/or cycling per week OR

126 (28%)


Standing job and 1-2.9 hours physical exercise and/or cycling per week OR


Physical job and some but < 1 hour physical exercise and/or cycling per week OR


Heavy manual job



Moderately active

(1 - 3 hours weekly)

Sedentary job and 1-2.9 hours physical exercise and/or cycling per week OR

31 (7%)


Standing job and some but < 1 hour physical exercise and/or cycling per week OR


Physical job and no physical exercise or cycling



Moderately inactive

(0 - 1 hours weekly)

Sedentary job and some but < 1 hour physical exercise and/or cycling per week OR

90 (20%)


Standing job and no physical exercise or cycling




(No activity reported)

Sedentary job and no physical exercise or cycling

198 (45%)

  1. *PAI data were missing for 4 patients